paul strand摄影作品,paul摄影师
大家好,今天小编关注到一个比较有意思的话题,就是关于paul strand摄影作品的问题,于是小编就整理了1个相关介绍paul strand摄影作品的解答,让我们一起看看吧。
Scarborough FairAre you going to Scarborough Fair?你这是去斯卡布罗集市吗?Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme,那是个青草芳菲,鲜花葳蕤的地方! (直译为欧芹,鼠尾草,迷迭香,百里香) Remember me to one who lives there,代我问候一个朋友,She once was a true love of mine.她是我的挚爱。 Tell her to make me a cambric shirt,请她为我做一件衬衫,Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme,在那青草芳菲,鲜花葳蕤的地方!Without no seams nor needle work,不用针线,Then she'll be a true love of mine.(如果可以的话) 她会成为我的挚爱。 Tell her to find me an acre of land,请她为我找一块栖息地,Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme,在那青草芳菲,鲜花葳蕤的地方!Between the salt water and the sea strand,座落在悠长的海岸之间,Then she'll be a true love of mine.她会成为我的挚爱。 Tell her to reap it with a sickle of leather,请她用(皮)镰刀去收割,Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme,在那青草芳菲,鲜花葳蕤的地方!And gather it all in a bunch of heather,编一束优雅的石南花,Then she'll be a true love of mine.她会成为我的挚爱。 Are you going to Scarborough Fair?你这是去斯卡布罗集市吗?Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme,那是个青草芳菲,鲜花葳蕤的地方!Remember me to one who lives there,代我问候一个朋友,She once was a true love of mine. 她是我的挚爱。
Scarborough Fair
Are you going to Scarborough Fair
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
香菜 鼠尾草 迷迭香和百里香
Remember me to one who lives there
He was once a true love of mine
到此,以上就是小编对于paul strand摄影作品的问题就介绍到这了,希望介绍关于paul strand摄影作品的1点解答对大家有用。
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